The Israel Social Sciences Data Center (ISDC) was established by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with a mission to collect, preserve and distribute data of interest to the academic community. The ISDC is a major infrastructure for quantitative research of Israeli social and economic issues. Since the early-nineties, it has become a national resource center, disseminating data throughout Israel and, by arrangement with foreign archives, internationally. Its user community includes Israeli universities, colleges and research institutes as well as policy makers in the public and private sectors. The advisory committee, consisting of the member institutions and an observer from the Central Bureau of Statistics, supervises the ISDC activities.
The ISDC now houses approximately 1000 datasets including national sample surveys, local studies, census micro-data and government records in selected fields as well as macro-economic and regional series. Several databases are available through the Web.
Sources of data include the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the National Insurance Institute of Israel (NII), central and local government agencies, research institutes as well as independent researchers from affiliated institutes. Since 1995, the ISDC serves also as an authorized distributor of micro-data from Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. Major sources of foreign data are ISSP and ICPSR Archive in Michigan, where ISDC serves as the Official Representative of Israel.