IFDO | IFDO International Federation of Data Organizations |
CESSDA | CESSDA Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives |
AUSTRALIA | ADA Australian Data Archive (Canberra) |
AUSTRIA | AUSSDA The Austrian Social Science Data Archive (Vienna) |
CZECH REPUBLIC | CSDA The Czech Social Science Data Archive (Prague) |
BELGIUM | BELSPO Belgian Science Policy (Brussels) |
DENMARK | DDA The Danish National Archives (Odense) |
ESTONIA | ESSDA Estonian Social Science Data Archive (Tartu) |
FINLAND | FSD Finnish Social Science Data Archive (Tampere) |
FRANCE | PROGEDO Data Infrastructure (Paris) |
GERMANY | GESIS Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (Mannheim) |
GREECE | So.Da.Net Greek research infrastructure for the social sciences (Athens) |
HUNGARY | TARKI The Tarki Data Archive (Budapest) |
IRELAND | ISSDA Irish Social Science Data Archive (Dublin) |
ITALY | UniData Bicocca Data Archive (Milan) |
JAPAN | CSRDA SSJ Data Archive (Tokyo) |
KOREA | KSDC Korean Social Science Data Center (Seoul) |
LUXEMBOURG | LISER Luxembourg institute for socio-economic research (Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval) |
NETHERLANDS | DANS Data Archiving and Networked Services (Amsterdam) |
NEW ZEALAND | Stats New Zealand Data Archive (Wellington) |
NORWAY | NSD Norwegian Centre for Research Data (Bergen) |
PORTUGAL | APIS Portuguese Social Information Archive (Lisbon) |
ROMANIA | RODA Romanian Social Data Archive (Bucharest) |
SLOVAKIA | SASD Slovak Archive of Social Data (Bratislava) |
SLOVENIA | ADP Social Science Data Archives (Ljubljana) |
SOUTH AFRICA | SADA South African Data Archive (Pretoria) |
SWEDEN | SND Swedish National Data Service (Gothenburg) |
SWITZERLAND | FORS Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (Lausanne) |
UNITED KINGDOM | UK Data Service (Colchester) |
UNITED STATES | ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (Michigan) |