Supreme Court

Supreme Court - Criminal matters: Supreme-criminal.xls

Type of matter From To
Appeals 1964 1995
Various applications 1968 1995
Leave to appeal 1985 1995
Appeals of the Israel Bar 1964 1995
Civil service appeals 1966 1995
Municipal appeals 1982 1995
Further hearing 1964 1995
Applications for retrial 1964 1995

Supreme Court - Civil matters: Supreme-civil.xls

Type of matter From To
Civil appeals 1964 1995
Leave to appeal 1966 1995
Further hearing 1964 1995
Applications for permission to marry 1985 1995
Various applications 1964 1995

Supreme Court - High court of justice: High_court_of_justice.xls

Type of matter From To
Petitions 1964 1995
Various applications 1985 1995
Other matters 1985 1995